Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Change We Can Believe In

Haven't posted in a good while since we've been so busy with Biker Events and getting the October issue of Dixie Biker to press and on the streets. Then we hadda do one up for the Sanford Bike Fest this coming weekend. Anyhow, it's time to get back to the Blog, so here ya go. Got this, and other versions of it, from ten or twenty of y'all.

George Bush has been in office for almost eight years. During the first six years, in spite of the War on Terror and it's associated costs, the economy was fine. Two years ago, in October 2006:

1) Consumer confidence was at a three year high;
2) Gasoline sold for about $2 a gallon;
3) the unemployment rate was 4.5%.
4) the Dow Jones hit a record high
5) Americans were buying new cars, new homes; taking cruises or vacations overseas; and living the American dream.

But for some reason, Americans wanted change so in November 2006 they voted in a Democratic Congress. And yes, we got change, allright. In the past two years:

1) Consumer confidence has plummeted;
2) Gasoline was over $4 a gallon
3) Unemployment is over 5.5%.
4) Home equity dropped by $12 Trillion ($12,000,000,000,000)and are still falling;
5) 1% of American homes are in foreclosure.
6) The Dow Jones is below 10,000 and over $5 Trillion has evaporated from stocks, bonds and mutual funds.
7) Congress just voted in an $850 Billion dollar 'rescue' package loaded with pork earmarks. Wall Street trusts them so much that AFTER they passed the 'rescue' package, the Dow has declined 10% and banks are melting around the world.

Yep. In 2006 America voted for change. And we got it from a Democratic Congress which controls ALL money and spending. Though President Bush has been an extremely disappointing RINO President, he does NOT control money issues. Congress does.

And what has this Democratic Congress of 'Change' done other than spending billions on pet projects? Nothing. Absolutely nothing. Now the Democrat candidate for president - Barack Hussein Obama - wants to give us more "Change We Can Believe In."

Jeez. I don't think I can stand anymore CHANGE.

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