Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Gas Taxes on Rise?

As I write this, we're payin' $4 a gallon for gas, and it's in the middle of July. Prices have come down a little, perhaps because President Bush is using the bully pulpit to beat up Congress on off-shore drilling. No biggie on that - it's too little, too late - but now this little gem comes up:

Remember back in the Spring how our pandering senators and representitives were talkin' about a "Gas Tax Holiday" for ninty days to "help the American working people" travel through the summer? What a bunch of crap that was. Now those same congress people are queitly gonna stick us where the sun doesn't shine, yet again. They want a $ .10 per gallon tax increase on gas and diesel. Friggin' idiots - it's the same ol' status quo. Raise taxes quietly while shouting about "how much they care for the working people." I'm so over all these assholes I'm thinking about voting against every single incumbent. I don't care who's running against them, the new folks could NOT do any worse than what our current elected representives are doing to us.

We had an acronym in the Army: BOHICA. "Bend over. Here it comes again." Well that's what they're doin', quietly, while we have a million other problems that need to be addressed.

Anyhow, here's the link to the Gas Tax story: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/25751775/
Now, lawmakers quietly are talking about raising fuel taxes by a dime from the current 18.4 cents a gallon on gasoline and 24.3 cents on diesel fuel.

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