Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Run for Florida Motorcycle Memorial

On Saturday, June 20th, there was a poker run to kick off fund raising for a Memorial for Florida Motorcyclists. Originally, the run was on May 23 but due to torrential down pours, that run was rescheduled to this past weekend.

This time around it was the brutal heat that plaqued the event. Man oh man was it hot or what?!?! Over 100 degrees and the humidity was just about unbearable. Below, Dani and Gina sign upu some of the local DeLand participants.

Dixie Biker is on board to help support the efforts of Ed and Dani and making this deal a reality. Trader Jack's Roadside has donated some land for the Memorial, and we hope to have a ground breaking by the end of 2009.

Below are some early participants of the local run.

Some of our great staff donated time and effort to the cause and started poker runs in Mt. Dora-Tavares; Ocala; Jacksonville; Orlando (Longwood); and Volusia County. Thanks to Hark and Wild Bill; Johnny P (in his shorts, sneekers and golf shirt ridin' around on his fat boy!); Rocker, Tim & Christy; and Carolina Dave and Kim.

And we mighta even met a new couple to cover Pasco, Hernando and Hillsborough Counties: Kevin and Michelle (below). We originally met them at The Hideaway on Little Lake Harris during the Leesburg Bike Fest, but they came out to support this event and noticed our 'help wanted' ad in the June issue of the magazine. We explained how it works and what it means, and hopefully we'll have the newest moto-journalists for our team at DBI.

Ed and Dani, DBI readers with the dream to make the Memorial a reality in Florida, explaining what's goin' on after the last in. Dani even marked out the area where the Memorial's gonna be set up so folks could take a look at it. Plus pictures, sponsors and ideas of where this thing is goin'. We'll have lotsa info in the magazine in future issues.

Tara, right, and Jane, left, kept things interesting and kept the frozen drinks flowing. They're always sweethearts and the whole crew at Trader Jack's Roadside takes care of bikers month in and month out.
THe next fund raiser for the Memorial will be during our annual "Dang! I Couldn't Go to Sturgis" weekend blow out at Trader Jack's Roadside on August 8th and 9th. Look for the info next month on that one. Lisa, the owner of Trader Jack's, promises lotsa surprises, and you know us - Dixie Biker's always throwin' caution to the wind and comin' up with some over the top shit to have a good time. Promise this one will be hot, wet and lotsa fun!

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